Memoryexpand_moreI arrange your five deflating basketballs under the lonely net.
Dance with you? I said after a moment. That’s your dare?
She had come to the scene where she needed to get them in bed.
We are each other’s as surely as song stitches breath to air.
Poets need to be
in constant touch with the extremes of feeling.
& I said let there be dark pouring from your mouth at daybreak
My dear, even my ear is trying to eat itself in its attempt to forget you.
He was reading Our Town. She studied the departure board.
Later in the pale of dawn your hair brushed across my forearm.
I cradled the lifeless bird in my hand and marveled at its beauty.
Put out to pasture, flop down into clover, alternate to the glue factory.
I broke up fights, bandaged cuts, fielded calls from parents, and sat with the sad or depressed.
I remember a field too long as the stem of a pear chosen in Upstate.
I don’t need to consult a healer to feel the aura glowing around us.
In the garden this morning, I thought for a moment I saw T’ao Ch’ien.
The sedan clipped their front bumper and pitched Bill’s car into a slide.
Mom often went to work on her days off. The library was her refuge.
Owen falls. Like a dummy. Like he’s dead even before he dies.
I don’t remember being born, only the great dog whose fur I clung to.
The fog’s sheen is a mirror: my mother sees the terrain of the future—
Near to closing, he’d flop down in the chair to count his moldy money.
I found a lodestone & I went to the creek & I buried it in the creek bed
My world must not be made of brief encounters along the neat squares.
I am almost never standing in the ocean, not that way, not anymore.
She was wanting to be noticed as a person not wanting to be noticed.
He does not dare to ask the question flaring in his head. Will she stay.
I see the garden far away in itself reflected in the polished spade.
After moving, I began to look at the images and piece them together.