
Stops and Starts

Weird that yellow’s the color of cowardice when the sun never runs.


No one is dead, but you should come back. See what’s become of us.

Strip Job

This is a place where young girls are butchered in old-time songs.


What was she thinking, driving alone to see a man she’d never met?


For the first two months of class, Toby did barely any writing at all.

Sweet Juice and Other Poems

We cling to an exact number of planets, to the Earth Our Mother.

Terminal Resemblance

When I saw my father for the last time, we both did the same thing.

The Afterlife

Sometimes the phone would ring and ring, and I’d go answer. It was him.

The Apocalypse Has Happened

Everyone is talking about the end of the world. Why now? Why today?

The Arbor

A dwarf is now crying, he sounds swollen but golden with malediction.

The Awakening

For the first time in her life she stood naked in the open air.

The Blinding

This poem weaves human and earthly hurt together in just a few short lines.

The Book of Light

She is a stalk, exhausted. She will surround these bones with flesh.

The Book of the Dead Man (Camouflage)

Watch out. That we thought him gone only proves his wily knowledge.

The Bridge

“Look down,” I said, comb in hand. “Let me check behind your ears.”

The Call of the One Duck Flying South

If you didn’t listen you would think it was a cry for help or sympathy.

The Caterer

This is not America! It is not the America I grew up in, it’s
a joke.

The Child-Who-Was-Tired

The Children and Other Poems

Some women have all the tit out hip out flat of the hand & tone of voice.

The Comfort Zone

It was as if my dead husband was flowing within me now, like blood.

The Correspondence-School Instructor Says Goodbye to His Poetry Students

I have to say I am relieved it is over: at the end I could feel only pity.

The Cows at Night

In that great darkness could I explain anything, anything at all.

The Detached and Other Poems

However hard I trudge and search I cannot find the hills I have climbed.

The Diezmo, Part One

They caught those few of us left unclaimed by the one emotion, or the other.

The Dilettante

It had taken Thursdale seven years to form this fine talent.

The Doe

When I saw her, I was witness and weapon both, charging at her.

The Dog

Each harbored a sense that a family of three was not a real family.

The Edith Poems

When I cried the tears felt so ineffective next to the ocean.

The Empty House Next Door

It stood across a narrow side alley where light-green ivy grew.

The Field

The field wants to stretch the hours, wants to be empty for us.