The Bodyexpand_more“Hey, babe,” he said, breathing into the phone like a sex maniac.
The most arcane sexual practices could arouse me from my torpor.
Real ones get through again and again.
Out by the road was her son standing without a stitch of clothing.
It is this—what you hear when you stop listening—that counts.
She was the idiot who fell in love with some high-class gigolo.
Gravity bends together this planet and your life, made of glass.
He felt desperate for the rains, mosquitoes be damned.
Since the accident she lost her hold on the world and never got it back.
The grass is always greener in the cemetery, was a joke I made to Jed.
My shadow feels my company, my stepping as he steps.
Perhaps he was not almost sixteen years old, but thirty-five and sick.
The thing was, I didn’t care what I ate in front of a woman. Every day, I told her things I would have been too embarrassed to tell anyone else.
I dream of watching my grandfather stagger home through the snow.
Your hands along her spine. Her hips unfolding like a cotton napkin.
Teddy, the new sous chef, is on fire again. It’s the second time in a week. I make a silent promise to myself never to have sex on a beach, not even with Ryan Gosling.
Fresh from Texas. She has the head of a girl & a serpent’s body.
Society was imposing, like something out of an English drama.
This has been a good day. First the milestone of getting to page 300.
In the reign of the cold, in the name of the sorrow, in the flame of the hark.
I would slip the hook under the sow’s chin, hold my breath, and pull.
you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens her first rose
Beached on the kingdom I learned to swim with my eyes closed.
Filarial worms in bloodstream darkness know when it’s night.
If you are hidden treasure, mine, don’t let me lose what I have gained.
How can you love them and yet how could you live
without them?
I keep an eye on my shit—this body, this lost cause, this bad joke— I want to be good at more than just childlessness and tying balloon animals.
After four years of watching his body implode, we’re terrified.
When I cast my vote, I become just that tiny, abstract, lost, and essential.
Collage what we can, form fractured and repaired, blend of is and isn’t.