The Bodyexpand_moreMy dear, even my ear is trying to eat itself in its attempt to forget you.
There is a lot about others I don’t remember, outliving an interest.
The hut was cluttered with the skulls and bones of small animals.
Sometimes one does wade into it or is ambushed as by a incensed fog.
As a shadow I arouse you will you believe the truth of my mouth.
Put out to pasture, flop down into clover, alternate to the glue factory.
Here's a great way to tell the comedy of sex in only six words.
I remember a field too long as the stem of a pear chosen in Upstate.
Is there some one way a guy should be on his wedding day, dickwad?
The rifle slams into my shoulder. Smoke pummels the air.
I don’t need to consult a healer to feel the aura glowing around us.
I was never nonchalant. I was more intense than Kirk Douglas.
Owen falls. Like a dummy. Like he’s dead even before he dies.
The danger was my own carelessness, and now I was waist deep in it.
When we wake up, the five windows and the French door are full of light.
It was the year we learned to wash our hands. That was one lesson.
My daughter swallows arrows of sunlight on her way to the grave.
Doisneau might have eyed and shot us for how brazenly we kissed.
The beasts and fowl and all manner of slithery thing can love like us.
I knew in the dream that I was a condor in the shape of a girl.
You must not be afraid of what waits after death, my past self says.
I am almost never standing in the ocean, not that way, not anymore.
Florence’s cobbled streets spoke like a broken wheel, a halfhearted inferno.
A branch breaks and the body lands the wrong way. Snapping is easy.
He began singing, the words to a song that played from hidden speakers.
The eyes of men were drawn, numb and automatic, to her youthfulness.
Doctor, he devoted. When she poorly, he bring her mint tea in bed.
A question from one of your favorite songs what would you do
After moving, I began to look at the images and piece them together.
“Pick your switch,” says my father and I’m stepping out into the forest.