
On Marriage

The proper qualities of each sex are eternally surprising to the other.

On the Fourteenth Day without a Father

In its shadow, our mislaid secrets cascade down around us.

On the Isle of Fast-Flowing Waters

My dear, even my ear is trying to eat itself in its attempt to forget you.

Once Again, in August

I continue composing my love letter, hoping to love her more.

One of the Great Independents

When he died earlier this year an enormous hole was left in my life.

One Whose Soul the Titan Has Fashioned

You are with outsized footnotes that have tracked across the Internet.

Only When

As a shadow I arouse you will you believe the truth of my mouth.


Put out to pasture, flop down into clover, alternate to the glue factory.


I remember a field too long as the stem of a pear chosen in Upstate.

Origin of the World

Fly through 13 billion years of history in this graphic story.


Eight years, and she was ready to call it quits. They were both ready.


Mom often went to work on her days off. The library was her refuge.

Pandemic Villanelles

It was the year we learned to wash our hands. That was one lesson.


My daughter swallows arrows of sunlight on her way to the grave.

Part of a Traveling Exhibition

It’d only take a slight shift to realize his new world isn’t a danger to him.


I don’t remember being born, only the great dog whose fur I clung to.


The fog’s sheen is a mirror: my mother sees the terrain of the future—

Peace in Autumn

My world must not be made of brief encounters along the neat squares.

Peach Philosophy

You must not be afraid of what waits after death, my past self says.


I am almost never standing in the ocean, not that way, not anymore.


The last thing one settles in writing a book is what one should put in first.


How can we go on believing each day won’t be the one that flames out?

Pe‘ahi Poems

I see the garden far away in itself reflected in the polished spade.


A question from one of your favorite songs what would you do

Pia Outloud

Pig’s Heaven Inn

Before we too vanish, we hike to where three trails converge.


I do not expunge the past but ignite the fuse to a whistling pinwheel.

Plaster of Paris

The notebook’s cotton pages are spangled with axes and sickles.

Poem after Carlos Drummond de Andrade

It’s life that is hard: sleeping, eating, loving, and dying are easy.

Poem Begun During Separation but Completed in Union

you here and these words also here meeting in your shared beauty