

You could take your pick from an array of rebellions to consider.

Ode to What I Do Not Know

Two animals, doe-eyed, slick across the road into the femur of the night.

Odessa, Mon Amour

He wrote and rewrote endlessly, and rose at night to reread pages.

Of Course Pliny Got Here First and Other Poems

Some asshole on a joyride in the outback runs her down, the emu.


Children, this is what a bad dream looks like, our teacher said.

On to Baghdad

He could see I was American, but I thought he was unlikely to harm me.

Only a Lover

Order and gardens. Penelope liked things to grow just as they would.

Operation Iraqi Freedom

It was enough to make the most hardened veteran drop his guard.

Order, Discipline, and Decorum

I broke up fights, bandaged cuts, fielded calls from parents, and sat with the sad or depressed.

Oregon 1945

On a jet stream, unearthly, air can travel at hundreds of miles per hour.

Our Fairy Stories

Loss. That word echoed in my ears as my eyes ranged around the garden.


The Bengalis negotiate their space with corrupt politicians and landsharks.

Own Weather

Indifferent day. Sparrow fretting for rain gathers grass and seeds.

Pale Blue Vein

It could be our baby. Her eyebrow, its perfect arc, the pale blue vein.

Paris in the Dark

After the password was given, the question remained. My name.

Paris in the Twenties

Now he was all out of dreams, out of rage, expectations, and money too.

Pa’ la Calle

I knew in the dream that I was a condor in the shape of a girl.

Perfume River

He does not dare to ask the question flaring in his head. Will she stay.

Picnic Point

The fish’s eye is mangled, tugged inward; blood leaks from its gills.

Plaster of Paris

The notebook’s cotton pages are spangled with axes and sickles.


Imagine first the mighty blast. And then the mushroom cloud.

Put This Book Down

Everything is mine on loan: the leaves I’ve combed out of my hands.

Quieter Than Water, Lower Than Grass: Growing Up Afraid in Russia

“Why don’t you say anything, people? These thugs are murdering me!”

Reading Rilke and Other Poems

The men here don’t know where to place me, call me exotic grail.

Red Flag Warning

Pale dust clung to their skin like the lime he had thrown on the dead.

Reflections on Newtown: No Safe Place

If it were fiction, calling the place Newtown would be too much.


“Refuge,” Nina said, tilting her head back; it was a word she learned.

Remembering Freetown

I am not prepared for postwar Freetown. Postwar Sierra Leone.

Respectability and Other Poems

Carte blanche is bodily as chalk on dark asphalt, so enliven these eyes.

Rest Cure

As far as I was concerned you need never have been my father.