
Child Soldiers: Homero

“Leaving for war, Hayes wept. He didn’t just cry; he wept...”

Children and Fire

Within two weeks, his parents found out and forbade him to belong.

Christian Soldiers

In the street waiting for a cab, Ann’s boyfriend entrusted me with the story.

Crossing the River Zbrucz

“Clean up this mess!” I tell the woman. “How can you live like this?”

Crows, 1950

They had come for him very early in the morning. It was still dark outside.

David Comes Home

David, I don’t know how to say this, but I didn’t think you’d make it.

Dear Jesse Helms

And jesse, the smart bombs do not recognize the babies.

Dear John and Other Poems

Please look away from Mars dangling so angry in so much darkness.

Death in the Woods

He got his wife off a German farmer, for whom he went to work one day.


“Then I can promise to kill either of you if I ever see you again.”

Decoy Project

Atomic bomb. How could those two words be said together?


Who thought to name a four-thousand-pound bomb Satan?

Dependents and Other Poems

shoulds & shouldn’ts unwound now to dids & didn’t

Devil’s Child

“You are too young for politics, too beautiful for a jail cell.”


Their hands were acting as airfoils, producing lift, not drag.

Do Not Mind the Bombs

A rifle, empty shells, the remains of a man, a bullet through his chest.

Do You Have a Name?

You knelt down to kiss her, avoiding, of course, the wound at her brow.

Doing Good Work Together

Stories are places to live. We live in stories. What we are is stories.

Don’t Beat My Sister

The human heart is far more intricate than any single term can describe.


There are elephants in the hall looking for their mothers.

Early Onset

I push the stroller across the courts to the scene of the thing I don’t get.

Earth in the Time of Billie Holiday

How can anyone imagine sleep is possible in such a time?

Eastern Wind

“Why, Ma? I don’t understand. I just don’t want you to be alone.”


One who has suffered enough, you can love yourself to death.


She heard the lowing of cattle, shouting, the crack of whips.

Eminent Domain

He was regarded as a visionary and a fool in almost equal measure.


Her voice smelled like an orange, though I’d never peeled an orange.

Facts about Deer and Other Poems

I dream we ride together in a Subaru to the county fair.

Field Music

I know about sex. It’s not a cardinal flying into the wrong window.

Field Trip

They’re shrieking down Little Round Top, receiving the good girls’ glares.