

My own hunger was for a reduction in the vast space between people.

To Flee the Kingdom and Other Poems

Help me, please help me, is the beggar’s refrain on the F train today.

To This God I Will Say

He has his hands on Nii’s throat, and this time I do not stop them.

Trump versus Superman

The first rule of the house is that everything must be even stevens.

Turkey Day

“I can’t believe she’s drinking,” she said. “I just can’t believe it.”


Let him search, Tricia thought, who knew what he might discover.

Two Girls Bathing and Other Poems

She wears her nakedness like it has been woven from air.

Two Poems

My “lonelymaking.” Also known as my horrible secret, continent-wide.

Two Poems

What’s left is a thumbhouse, an inch of gristle inside skin walls.

Two Poems

My brother could Wichita wheelbarrow like I never could.

Two Poems

A homecoming, she says, as if you hadn’t been back in decades.

Two Years

He had looked on it a thousand times and it never failed to kill him.

Uncle Peter

Craig Bueltel


When the population was whiter, they fawned over the Korean.


Morie Johnson was successful. I am not a hooker. I am only a thief.

We Did Not Have a Dog

“Wanna give it a go?” my brother asks, nudging me with his 12-gauge.

We Said Our Common Ancestor Was Eve

We fed our dreams inevitable sins, the kind you lie about till you grow mean.

Werewolves and Other Intangible Things

She always came back with her lipstick smeared all over her mouth.

What We Left Behind

The Others came in the light of day and splayed Father open.

When My Brother Tells Me I'm Obsessed with Sadness

it’s hard not to be obsessed with your own shadow I don’t tell him

When You Can No Longer Talk about It, You Have to Sing

I had forgotten how to breathe, and then I learned again, all at once.

Who Are You With?

Lydda, when she closes her eyes, has traded one war zone for another.

Year of the Great Voyage

Our eyes searched for the island, but ahead there was only overcast.

Your Ghost

She was painting a bedroom, trying to be a good mother, wife, Catholic.