
Two Poems

What will we do without exile, and a long night that stares at the water?

Two Poems

Lillian-Yvonne Bertram

Two Poems

Corn repeats itself into a haze of tassels and sheaving leaves.

Two Poems

It’s the roll-up-your-sleeves hour, when you have to make a living.

Two Years

He had looked on it a thousand times and it never failed to kill him.

Under the Sun

If you hear your name again just say, Here I am. Maybe it’s the Lord.

Unremembered Country

Let me lie down with you and listen, let me tell you what I know.

Up Country

Tanya jokes that she comes to the East Coast now only for funerals.

Ursula granger and i walk mulberry row during bottling season

ursula says she’s seen everyone she loves in an apple, save herself.

Visit the Beautiful State Parks of Idaho

Bear: You were a good ranger, walking carefully between the trees.


What I really meant to say is that I am tired. Beauty can demand so much.

Washed Away

The future was spread out for us to go in any direction we wanted.


Rain falls steadily, rattling down drainpipes and gurgling into gutters.

We Said Our Common Ancestor Was Eve

We fed our dreams inevitable sins, the kind you lie about till you grow mean.

Wednesday Afternoon at the Eight-Ball Saloon

Someone seems to have made an excellent age-specific insight.

What Gary Snyder Said to Me, That Day, in the Doorway of the Milking Barn

You need to teach these cows to meditate. To lose their bodies.

What Would You Have Me Do?

We’d never had a cross word, but I’d never corrected him.


The lion was still near them, stalking. Crazed against its cautionary nature.

Will Write Soon

I live for now in the second house of having asked a favor from a friend.

Winter 1940

You have your apron on under your coat. We’ve got each other.

Words for My Father from Salmon, Idaho

The world smells brand-new crisp the way an ax cuts fire wood.

Writer’s Cottage

Something is wrong with that place. Someone’s still there . . .

Wyoming Skies

A new Wyoming photography portfolio from Twister Marquiss

Wyoming Spaces

A new Wyoming photography portfolio from Twister Marquiss

Wyoming Trucks and a Trailer

The pickup trucks in this portfolio were photographed in June 2015.

Wyoming, Summer 2010

Twister Marquiss


“Ki o tsukete!” she called, and he knew the words. Be careful.

You Can’t Keep Going Like This

Not the Olympics, the guard said. Just chuck yourself down the tube.