
Summer at North Farm

Fires, always fires after midnight, the sun depending in the purple birches.

Sweet Girl and Other Poems

A man jostles my stride to the street, no shoulder on which to move.

The Balkans at Rest

A photo essay on hope in the wake of the devastating Bosnian War.

The Beloved Boots of My Old Master‚ Pim

Sue Williams tells a pitch-perfect story outloud, about devotion.

The Bone Trees

The trees were a sign from the devil, a warning of the terror to come.

The Building Permit

They tried to kill us, my sisters, mother, and me; I still have the scars.

The Car That Loved Water

He was staring at his car like you might a stare at a dog.

The Climax Forest

There in the trees, swinging from branch to branch, they saw Pete.

The Clock of Paradise

The cottage stood as a metaphor for what she wanted out of life.

The Declaration of Independence in American

You and me is as good as anybody else, and maybe a damn sight better.

The Docent

The flail is raised high, back bent in echo of the boys’ backs.

The Double Zero

The End of the World in Slow Motion

This itchy voice, this desperate chant, that begs: okay. Okay.

The Gospel of Guy No-Horse

No-Horse sucked his lips, imagined the taste of the white girls’ hips.

The Great Floating Pig Barn on the Mekong

He probably should have arrested or at least reported me to someone.

The Grey Dawn

Sitting beside a heap of steaming dung I felt in great poetic form.

The Groaning Board, the Flowing Bowl

The Halverson Brothers

We’ve tried, but it seems it is in the stars for us to hate each other.

The Hawk

Recently a man in my town took up residence on the football field.

The High Woods

“Folks need other folks, that’s all I mean. Especially here in the Ohio.”

The Lantern-Bearers

These are notes that please the great heart of man.

The Lapedo Child

The blood had been soaked up in sawdust—“this is hell.”

The Last Days of Monkey Zak: Part 1

Even if he lost her he would never disparage her, never not love her.

The Lesson of the Master

Kids interfere with perfection. Wives interfere. Marriage interferes.

The Little One Need Not Come

The house of our relationship is a fort. Blanket fort. Tree fort.

The Little Weaver of Duleek Gate

It was up airly and down late with him, and the loom never standin’ still.

The New Dark Ages and Other Poems

This storm scares me. A foreign climate occupies the land.

The Paperboy

Just before four in the morning, the dog barks, the headlights appear.

The Part That Burns

Mafia didn’t like me, except for the tickling game. It went like this.

The Pattern of the Scatter

She is eight years old and doesn’t recognize the word divorce.