
Sambo, or: The Last of the Gibson Girls

1908. The puppet’s name is Sambo. Oh what a friendly boy he looks to be!


The alert says Warning: Wild Exotic Animals Loose.

Seneca Lake, Ohio

You put his hand around your throat but he keeps moving it away.

Shallow Sea

“Dorm whores” his roommate calls them. They come for the booze.

Shallow Waters

He finds the note taped to the lid of the toilet: “There’s someone else.”


Christopher Woods

Sky an Iris

Her will is resolute, and he knows enough not to challenge it.

Sky Tumbling Down

The clearest memory was when his father shot a grizzly.


In school, he was called gook, chink, and one boy called him ching-chong.

Smoke Jumpers

He probably had an order. Ludes, Dexis, Black Birds—who knew.


I think you’re carrying on to get your brothers in trouble.

Snake Woman

Fresh from Texas. She has the head of a girl & a serpent’s body.


A Midwestern man is never without his knife. Half of us carry guns.

Snowed-In, Little Mountain Valley

The willows crack as the startled deer flee into a deeper darkness.

Solly’s Corner

Try to make order in one direction, and things shoot off in another.

Somewhere with a Sigh

Does he not see our likeness? Fursten seemed to see nothing.


Beached on the kingdom I learned to swim with my eyes closed.

Sonnet with a Line from Wordsworth

Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, but to be young was very Heaven!

Speaking American

Poetry isn’t work, he said, unless you’re talking about reading it.

Spelter, West Virginia (Unincorporated)

A plastic Kroger’s bag caught in the chinking—Spelter’s only banner.


Both dogs were barking now—their barking urgent, hysterically pitched.

Spring Begins in Checotah, Oklahoma

Oklahoma, a state shaped like a pot, probably some gruel inside.

Spring Cleaning

I ought to haul out this junk I called winter and lose it somewhere.


He could smell the bear’s breath, feel the hot huff against his ear.

Stone Boat

The boy imagined his dead grandfather haunting the world.

Straight Home

“Mind you come straight home,” Mrs. Heywood always says.


It was half the Spanish he knew—stop, I have a shotgun.

Stretch Out Your Hand

My sister’s fever wasn’t gone at all, but dazzling—suspended over us.

Strip Job

This is a place where young girls are butchered in old-time songs.

Summer Afternoon, He Said

Trysting lovers kissed while breezes fidgeted the leaves.