
Of the Meaning of Progress

The longing to know hovered like a star above this child-woman.


She wants something red and shiny that always works.

Old Will Road

For days after she left him, he roamed the house, unable to function.


He’s gonna change the way we farm around here. Make it more like India.

Our Neighbors the Bells

Our neighbors the Bells are watching, watching us when we play outside.


The Bengalis negotiate their space with corrupt politicians and landsharks.

Pageantry, Intrigue, Contemplation, Mystery

When we wake up, the five windows and the French door are full of light.

Pastorelle 8

Translucent white prayer strings of her bonnet trailing in the air.

People Fall All the Time

A branch breaks and the body lands the wrong way. Snapping is easy.

Pig Shit Cannon

The Renaissance mastered the illusion of depth on a flat plane.

Pink Adobe

I’m there inside La Fonda at the bar ordering another glass of red wine!

Portraits, Landscapes, Scenes

Photo portraits, landscapes, and world scenes by Sandra Lloyd.

Prime Green

We would just roll down the old biology road like all the other suckers.

Prime Green

A world of adventure awaited, a world of beautiful, available women.

Ranch Album

We’ve seen a lot of smaller ranches bought up by outside money.

Rapture Basement

I used to be known for the humor of my music, the lightness of touch.

Reading His Poetry

Words appear like the answer to a question I hadn’t yet asked.

Reading Three Poems

All day we lay on the bed, my hand stroking the deep gold of your thighs.

Reading Two Poems

A woman’s long bare legs stretched up at the edge of the graveyard.

Red Desert Notes

Trailblazers we celebrate. Those outcasts, outliers, and outlaws.


No one asked that, changed as he was, he do more than survive.

Reef Point

He got people on the conveyor belt that carried them up to heaven.

Renaissance Fair

Burly Viking raiders are standing in the coffee line, sharing pickles.


Certain elements of isolation were built into the design, given the odds.


If this farmer worried about her husband, he gave no sign.

Return to Halalai

It’s difficult to be blessed by Madam Pele. She gives wonderful trouble.

Reynolds Price

Road to Somewhere Else

Kenny Wade makes do with short-term schemes and part-time work.

Sad Little Outlaw

I was always being left behind in the mud, a bandage around my eyes.

Salt Lick

Salt lick inquest skill-step stalks. All flit, vanish: footfall’s fault.